First generation of computers

After the early counting machines, the development of the computers took place in five distinct phases known as generations of computers.Each generation witnessed major technological developments resulting in smaller, cheaper and more powerful devices.

first generation of computers(1940-56)


vacuum tube

  •  The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for cv circuitry
magnetic drums
  •  Magnetic drums were used for memory
  •  Magnetic drubs were enormous machine taking up entire rooms.
  •  They were very expensive, used a great deal of electricity and generated a lot of heat.

  • machine language was used to program.
  • input was based on punched cards.
  • output was in the form of printouts.

Examples of first generation computers

  • Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)
  • Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC)
  • Electric Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC)
